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No Kong? No Problem!

The other day, I could only find one of the Kong’s.  Rather, Clover could only find one, and she kept throwing it at me.  From about two feet away, she flings the darn thing at me!  I ignored her a couple of times, but her aim was getting too good.  Ok.  A little bit of peanut butter smushed inside the kong, she grabs it and heads for her pillow to slurp the peanut butter.  She is guarding it from the the kong thief aka: Cosmo.

Since there was only a little bit of peanut butter left in the jar, I just gave it to Coz.  He rolled it around the kitchen floor for a few minutes, and then down the hallway and into the living room where he ended up going to town!


Hmmm.  Must get every last drop of Peanut Butter from the jar!100_5785

Every last drop!  Almost done!


Camera Critters

38 thoughts on “No Kong? No Problem!

  1. First of all, hilarious that Clover tosses the kong at you. lol

    But those photos of Cosmo with the peanut butter jar?! HILARIOUS!! Look at him going to town!


  2. I’m a little confused. I just clicked your link in the Shadow Shot Sunday meme…and don’t see shadow shots as such. These are very cute photos though!


  3. Looks like one happy doggie! The two we have now have shown zero interest in kong’s, even with peanut butter. Which is strange, usually dogs love that stuff.


  4. Thats a great idea…I put PB in the kong once and it made such a mess….the PB jar has to be rinsed out anyway before it goes into recycling so why not let the dog lick it clean??


  5. Great toy idea. Just be careful to take the jar away before the dog can chew it up. Those little shards of plastic can be dangerous to his gums and insides!


  6. That’s funny you really must get all the peanut butter b/c it’s good to the last drop. Thanks for getting back to me I’m not sure you go my reply so I wanted to leave you a message. I am glad you gave your opinion that is exactly what I want.I hope to see you back again to share your opinions


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