meme / thursday thirteen

Thursday Thirteen; or, “TMI BY TBD”


1.  I didn’t sleep well at all last night, probably because I feel like crap. If I ever get rid of this cold, I’ll be a very happy person.  [Finally, I’m starting to feel better.  Also, I’m going a little stir-crazy here. ]


2.  I’ve been going through my postcard collection lately looking for some new ones to share.  I have a pile of cards about 6 inches high to scan.


3.  I went to the neurologist on Tuesday, only to find out when I got there that my appointment was for Wednesday.  I went back on Wednesday feeling like an idiot.  When I mentioned this to my mom on the phone, she said “Oh, your dad does that all the time,” to which I responded, “Yeah! but he’s 84!”


4.  Cosmo and I watched the Westminster Dog Show this year, just like we always do.  Me on the couch, and him on my lap, enjoying the dogs and wondering why a big fluffy dog handler would want to run up and down in front of thousands (millions on tv). 


5.  Back to the neurologist, my MRI came out good, and my doctor was very pleased.  The Copaxone seems to be working, so I’m “stuck” with it for a while.  Get it? get it? “STUCK with it?”  Hahah!  (And if you didn’t get it, Copaxone is a shot given (by me to me) every day subcutaneously.) 


6.  I hear that the weather is supposed to be warmer this weekend.  I only hope its warm enough to open the windows and air out the house for an hour or two.  [The wind is blowing out there today!  Stuff flying around, and cooling things down.  It was in the 70s yesterday! ]


7.  I stopped into the thrift store the other day, and instead of buying the amazing bargain and selling it on eBay and making a couple hundred dollars profit, I pointed it out to the manager, who grabbed the item off the store shelf, putting it in the back so he could put it on eBay and make a fortune for the thrift store.  My thrift store yard sale friends probably won’t get why.


8.  I love the word “ferklempt.”  I heard it a couple of times again this past week on tv, and I’m always trying to find exactly the right occasion to use it in a sentence.  Like that.   [added a link to urban dictionary]


9.  I was in my Ford Escape the other day, and got the overwhelming feeling of discontent, wondering out loud how much I could get for a trade-in.  Then I thought how nice it is to not have a monthly payment anymore and I got over it quickly.


10.  I am not on Facebook.  Just not interested.


11.  I buy a lot of books at yard sales, thrift stores, and library sales.  I also seem to have a knack for finding books with stuff in them.  One time, I found a book with a $100 gift card in it, another cookbook with a $50.  Aside from the money, I find notes, and receipts and sometimes cards.  I’m thinking about blogging about that. 


12.  I like blogging.  I am not sure that I’m always interesting or relevant, but then does that really matter as long as I’m happy with the stuff that I blog about?  I am not trying to garner readers to bounce my statistics so I can make money off of advertisements, so I guess its all right.  Right?


13.  I’m going to try and participate in some new (to me) Blog Memes, and see what happens.  If the “stuff in books” blogging has any interest, maybe I’ll start my own meme.  Ya just never know.


10 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen; or, “TMI BY TBD”

  1. love number 4. My niece is a dog handler, she was IN Westminster and I didn’t even watch it! (such a bad aunt) dog show folks are a breed amongst themselves. #12, yes, it’s all good. Love the name of your blog, and your pups are adorable.


  2. TMI? Hardly. Just a peek, really. Still, I feel like I’m inside your skin, especially since apparently we’re sharing the same eternal cold. Nice 13.

    And thanks for stopping by the eggs.


  3. Want to try out a couple new memes? Would love to have you participate in Monday Memories and Write A Letter Wednesday! (You can to them from the links in my sidebar! :-)


  4. Um, about your number 3: you’d feel even worse if you went on Wednesday and found your appointment had been on Tuesday. Oh, by the way, the doctor had a “no-show” fee of $25.


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